domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019

Natural: Animals

En esta nueva unidad de naturales hablaremos sobre los animales de nuevo. Para ir repasando el vocabulario de animales podemos escuchar esta canción y recordar alguna de las palabras que aprendimos el año pasado.

Como la cantan demasiado rápido, aqui debajo está la letra para que hagais un karaoke.

On the radio there's a little chick 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little hen 
On the radio there's a little hen 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little cock 
On the radio there's a little cock 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP  

On the radio there's a little turkey 
On the radio there's a little turkey 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little pigeon 
On the radio there's a little pigeon 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little cat 
On the radio there's a little cat 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little dog 
On the radio there's a little dog 
And the dog WOOF 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little goat 
On the radio there's a little goat 
And the goat MAH 
And the dog WOOF 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little lam 
On the radio there's a little lam 
And the lam BAH 
And the goat MAH 
And the dog WOOF 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little cow 
On the radio there's a little cow 
And the cow MOW 
And the lam BAH 
And the goat MAH 
And the dog WOOF 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little bull 
On the radio there's a little bull 
And the bull MUU 
The cow MOW 
The lam BAH 
And the goat MAH 
And the dog WOOF 
And the cat MEW 
And the pigeon CRU CRU 
And the turkey GOBBLE GOBBLE 
And the cock DOODLE-DOO 
And the hen CO-CO 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 
And the chick CHEEP 

On the radio there's a little tractor 
On the radio there's a little tractor 
And the tractor BRUMM 
The tractor BRUMM 
The tractor BRUMM 
And the chick... 
Oh oh!

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